#SelasaStartup Growth Webinar: Build for Product-Led Growth with Amplitude

#SelasaStartup Growth Webinar: Build for Product-Led Growth with Amplitude

Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id
Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id

#SelasaStartup Growth Webinar: Build for Product-Led Growth with Amplitude

Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id
Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id
  • Product-led growth is the future of growth! Startups need to start looking more into this. Find out more here!


    About this event:

    This time #SelasaStartup session with Robert Tan, VP of Pluang and Dhiku Hadikusuma Wahab, Chief Product Officer of Vidio will talk about product-led growth. The reason that this is so important to understand is that most products miss the mark on delivering actual value to their new users. Couple this with the fact that customers have more choices than ever today. 

    After this event, you will get:

    1. Deep understanding of product-led growth strategy for startups
    2. Steps to start implementing a product-led growth strategy
    3. The story of Pluang and Vidio on how to implement product-led growth 
    4. Best practices and tips on building the right formula for implementing a product development-based growth strategy.


    About #SelasaStartup

    #SelasaStartup is a weekly event held every Tuesday by presenting tech founders and industry players to be able to provide insight to the DailySocial.id’s community. Amid the covid-19 widespread, #SelasaStartup was held online via the DailySocial.id ‘s youtube channel.


    startup selasastartup productmanagement productdevelopment
  • #SelasaStartup Growth Webinar with Amplitude
    Let's hear about product-led growth. Learn best practices and accelerating your business strategy by joining #SelasaStartup

    Berakhir 2022-01-18 20:00:00



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