Profiling The Leaders, Halomoan Siburian

Profiling The Leaders, Halomoan Siburian

Diselenggarakan oleh Damy Matheus Heezen
Diselenggarakan oleh Damy Matheus Heezen

Profiling The Leaders, Halomoan Siburian

Diselenggarakan oleh Damy Matheus Heezen
Diselenggarakan oleh Damy Matheus Heezen
  • Meet Halomoan Siburian, a leader in heart and soul. With his background as marketing expert in the Multifinance & automotive and as CO-Founder of PT Sysnesia Teknologi Semesta, he just finished his book 'Penjinak Badai' or in English 'Storm Tamer' to help other leaders upgrading their skills to the maximum level and to be able to manage efficiently in every crisis or challenge that we could face as a leader. His heart lies to achieve the impossible and always try to help others by sharing his knowledge and experiences, but also to simply help by reaching out his hand to anyone in need.

    Leadership styles are influenced by character (genotype), phenotype influences, experiences, education, emotional intelligence and much more. Because of this every leader is different and almost none are the same even when it seems like that. The differences between leaders is not found in hard skills (knowledge), but always in their social and soft skills. Most of us think that this cannot be developed but emotional intelligence proves otherwise.

    Therefore in our event series of Nov\Dec we want to introduce our participants to different types of leaders who will be interviewed about their self image, self awareness and how they see themselves as a leader.

    All the leaders who will speak made a Personality Profile Assessment* based on the DISC methodology and +20 years experience in Psychometric Analysing by SDA Indonesia.

    Damy Heezen will interview the leaders about who they are, their self image, self awareness and how they see themselves as a leader.
    After that a Senior Analyst of SDA Indonesia briefly discuss the Personality Profile Report that they made with the leader.

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    NOTE: Talk Show dalam bahasa Inggris


    LEADERSHIP behavioraleventinterview onlineinterview
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    Berakhir 2021-11-26 13:00:00



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