JavaScript Development Course Batch 2 [YOGYAKARTA]

JavaScript Development Course Batch 2 [YOGYAKARTA]

Diselenggarakan oleh Hacktiv8
Diselenggarakan oleh Hacktiv8

JavaScript Development Course Batch 2 [YOGYAKARTA]

Diselenggarakan oleh Hacktiv8
Diselenggarakan oleh Hacktiv8
  • HACKTIV8 Indonesia, in collaboration with Developer Circles from Facebook, presents the JavaScript Development Course.

    We are very aware of the need of technology-savvy workers in this country and we are determined to make that happen for the marketplace and for you!

    Partake in our once-a-week workshop to level up your skills in technology and learn with us. In the 4 weeks, you will be learning specific Open Sources and Platform Tools that will enable you to build your own website or mobile application.

    Learn the importance of the role of JavaScript in the familiar website features that you see everyday like menu bars, verification buttons, and so much more.

    JavaScript Development Course - Yogyakarta

    Batch 2
    19 February - 28 February 2019
    Every Monday & Wednesday,  19:00 - 21:30 WIB

    CoHive Hartono Mall

    Jalan Ring Road Utara, Sanggrahan, Kaliwaru, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

    Please read the terms and condition below before continuing with the registration process.

    Syarat & Ketentuan


    1. You will be required to pay a refundable deposit of Rp 100.000.
    2. The deposit will be refunded when you have completed all 4 courses successfully & submit your final project.
    3. The deposit will NOT be refunded if you fail to finish all 4 courses.
    4.  Make sure you are able to bring your own laptop for the course.
    5. Make sure you have a Facebook Account  before you register for the course.
    6. Please make sure you are a member of Developer Circles Facebook Indonesia before registering for this course.
    7. If you're not a member of Facebook Developer Circles yet, visit this website and find the city that you’re currently in. Click JOIN THE CIRCLE. 

      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Jakarta 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Bandung 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Medan 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Yogyakarta
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Bali 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Surabaya 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Semarang 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Malang 
      Join Facebook Developer Circles: Batam 

    8. You are obligated to read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below: 
      Terms & Conditions 
      Privacy Policy
    9. At the end of the registration process, you will need to agree to the Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy above. Make sure you have read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before continuing the registration process.
    10. After you finish the registration process, just sit back, wait for the course date and get ready to have fun!


  • Event Ticket
    This is a refundable deposit and will be refunded back to you after you completed all of the course

    Berakhir 2019-02-05 23:00:00



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