How To Purchase Ticket At For Foreign Citizens
How To Purchase Ticket At For Foreign Citizens

How To Purchase Ticket At For Foreign Citizens

- Winda Paramita

Are you having a hard time while purchasing your ticket at Worry not! We will guide you through the step-by-step process. Let us help you to experience your favorite event at

How To Buy Event Tickets at Loket.Com For Foreign Citizens:

  1. Open and pick the event of your choosing
  2. Choose your ticket
  3. Fill in the required information
  4. In the NIK column, put your citizenship code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 [3 first letter from your citizenship code + your passport number (i.e., for China citizenship: CHNQQ1234567). You can see your citizenship code in the list below.
  5. After your data is verified by PeduliLindungi, you will be directed to the payment page
  6. Choose payment method
  7. After successfully making a payment, an e-voucher will be sent to the registered email.
  8. You have successfully purchased your ticket

Citizenship code:




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Winda Paramita