Ultra Beach Bali 2024

Ultra Beach Bali 2024

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Diselenggarakan oleh ULTRA BEACH BALI

Ultra Beach Bali 2024

Diselenggarakan oleh ULTRA BEACH BALI
Diselenggarakan oleh ULTRA BEACH BALI


Ultra Beach Bali 2024 at Café Del Mar

Get ready for the ultimate beach party experience as Ultra Beach Bali returns for its 6th year! Join us for a day of sun, sand, and electrifying beats, set against the stunning backdrop of Bali's breathtaking coastline.

*Event Highlights:*

- World-class DJs spinning the hottest tracks

- Spectacular beachfront venue at Café Del Mar

- Exciting food and drink options to keep you energized all day long

- Unforgettable moments and memories with friends old and new

Syarat & Ketentuan

  E-Ticket Terms & Condition
  1. Tiket hanya dapat dibeli melalui ultrabali.com. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab untuk konsekuensi yang dialami atas pembelian di luar partner official website.
    Tickets can only be purchased through ultrabali.com. We are not responsible for the consequences of transactions outside the official website partner.
  2. Semua tiket yang tersedia HANYA berdiri.
    All available tickets are standing ONLY
  3. Acara ini memiliki batasan usia. Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.
    This event has an age restriction. You must be 18 years or older to attend the event.
  4. Acara ini menggunakan sistem cashless untuk seluruh transaksi
    This event uses cashless for all transactions
  5. Anda harus membawa kartu identitas berfoto yang masih berlaku untuk mengikuti acara.
    You must bring a valid photo ID to enter the event.
  6. Tiket box tidak akan mengeluarkan gelang jika nama pada ID tidak sesuai dengan nama pada e-tiket.
    The ticket box will not release wristbands if the name on the ID does not match the name on the e-tickets.
  7. E-voucher akan diterbitkan dengan unique barcode yang dapat digunakan satu kali untuk satu orang
    E-vouchers will be issued with a unique barcode that can be used once for one person
  8. Harga tiket tidak termasuk pajak pemerintah.
    Ticket price excludes government tax.
  9. Semua penjualan bersifat final. Tidak dapat dikembalikan/Tidak dapat dipindahtangankan.
    All sales are final. Non-refundable/Non-transferable.
  10. Detail acara, termasuk susunan artis, dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya
    Event details, including the artist lineup, are subject to change without any prior notice
  11. Silakan merujuk ke situs web resmi acara untuk informasi terbaru.
    Please refer to the event’s official website for the latest information.
  12. Untuk pembeli tiket Early Entry harus sudah masuk sebelum jam 5 sore. Jika pembeli tiket datang melebihi waktu yang ditentukan, maka pembeli wajib untuk upgrade tiket dan berlaku setiap hari
    Early Entry ticket buyers must enter before 5 pm. If the ticket buyer arrives beyond the specified time, the buyer is obliged to upgrade the ticket and it is valid every day
  13. Jika penukaran tiket anda diwakili oleh orang lain, orang tersebut harus membawa surat kuasa & kartu identitas anda (nama yang ada di kartu identitas dan surat kuasa harus sesuai dengan yang di E-voucher)
    If your ticket exchange is represented by another person, that person must bring your power of attorney & identity card (the name on the identity card and power of attorney must match the one on the E-voucher)
  14. Tidak akan ada tempat penitipan barang
    There will be no deposit counter
  15. Pihak penyelenggara menindak tegas, dan berhak mengeluarkan pengunjung apabila tidak mematuhi aturan yang telah diterapkan
    The organizers take firm action and have the right to expel visitors if they do not comply with the rules that have been implemented



BBULTRABALI24 â€“ Only Valid to/from Café Del Mar on Event Day

  1. Promo is exclusive to the MyBluebird app
  2. Discount 50% (Up to IDR 15.000) by entering promo code BBULTRABALI24
  3. Promo is valid To/From Café Del Mar, Bali during period 6-7 June 2024 only
  4. Valid 4 (four) times usage per MyBluebird account per week
  5. Only valid for Credit Card and E-wallet payments on MyBluebird and for EZPay feature
  6. Applicable minimal transactions that apply in each Bluebird operational area:
    1. Bali: IDR 30,000,-
    2. EZPay Bluebird : IDR 10,000,- 



  1. Promo is exclusive to the MyBluebird app
  2. Discount 50% (Up to IDR 10.000) by entering promo code ULTRABALI
  3. Promo is valid everyday during promo period 4-9 June 2024
  4. Valid 8 (eight) times usage per MyBluebird during promo period
  5. Only valid for Credit Card and E-wallet payments on MyBluebird and for EZPay feature
  6. Applicable minimal transactions that apply in each Bluebird operational area:
    1. Bali: IDR 30,000,-
    2. EZPay Bluebird : IDR 10,000,- 


Heading to Ultra Beach Bali and need data? We've partnered with Jetpac eSIM to offer exclusive packs!
Jetpac eSIM connects you to Indonesia and 100+ countries through the Jetapac Global App. A big perk? Free lounge access in case of flight delays! Bring up to 5 people into 1,100 lounges worldwide, free with every Jetpac data pack. There are 2 Ultra data packs: 8GB for USD14 and a SEA pack at 14GB for USD24. Don't miss out on this special deal!


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