Somia Academy Online: Design Research Skills

Somia Academy Online: Design Research Skills

Diselenggarakan oleh Service Design Indonesia
Diselenggarakan oleh Service Design Indonesia

Somia Academy Online: Design Research Skills

Diselenggarakan oleh Service Design Indonesia
Diselenggarakan oleh Service Design Indonesia


    Course Description & Objective

    Conducting design research could open many insights to make improvements and as a catalyst for creating innovation. This time, you're going to work with a real client for a real project

    In this 6-week course, you will learn essential skills to conduct design research starting from research planning - knowing which methods to use, interviewing skills, synthesizing data to reporting. We will also share some practical tricks and tips in conducting design research that we gathered through our experiences.

    Class Format

    This is a fully online course and all the assignments will be done individually. The course materials will be in English but the facilitation will be in Bahasa Indonesia. You can view and access all course materials online (details will be shared) when the course is open. You will also be set up in Slack as the course communication platform where you communicate with the instructor, facilitator and your peer.

    One instructor and one facilitator will conduct the course. The videos are recorded by the instructor and he will be giving you feedback during the course. Meanwhile, the facilitator will support you in administration matters, course materials and communications.

    There are no live sessions to run through the content, you need to follow the homework and peer review deadline each week based on the course agenda. Do go through the material carefully as we will then be hosting weekly live sessions to answer submitted/live questions and comments.

    Upon completion of the course, you will earn a Certificate of Completion that you can share with your professional networks. To earn this certificate, you need to pass with a 70% score based on the set scoring system.

    What’s unique about this online class:

    • A set of course materials each week consisting: notes, video and homework

    • Blended learning to fit your schedule. We designed the program to be flexible with your working life, so we suggest doing your independent learning before the weekly Q&A.
    • Get weekly feedback and reviews from Somian mentors and course peers.

    • An opportunity to work on a design research challenge from a real client

    • A Certificate of Completion that you can share with your professional networks

    What you’ll learn

    What will be covered in this course

    • How to make a hypothesis

    • Research planning & methods

    • How to gather information through visual research

    • Preparing & conducting interviews

    • Learning how to give and receive constructive feedback

    • Synthesizing the data gathered

    • How to prepare and present the insights in a report

    What will NOT be covered in this course

    • Exploring recommendations based on synthesized insight

    • UI/ UX/ Service design process


    Course Syllabus

    Week 1:

    • Research Objectives and Questions

    • Hypothesis and Stakeholder Mapping
    • Research Methods

    • Research Planning

    Week 2:

    • Creating Stimuli Out of Assumptions

    • Creating a discussion guide

    • Conducting interview

    Week 3:

    • Download data

    • Synthesize data

    • Creating Frameworks

    Week 4:

    • What to Include in Report

    • The Power of Storytelling

    • Report Writing


    Who this course is for

    Beginner Level - Mid Level

    User researchers, design researchers, strategists, public service planners, and anyone who wants to learn essential skills in conducting design research.



    Price: Rp. 3.200.000 

    Date: 8 September - 13 October 2023

    Duration: 6 Weeks

    • Week 1: Class Greetings
    • Week 2-5: Lesson 1-4 materials
    • Week 6: Class Graduation

    Time Commitment: 3 - 4 hours/week (2 hours of independent learning + 1.5 hours of weekly call)

    Location: Online - Slack (communication) & File-sharing platform (details to be provided)

    Instructor: Dono Firman

    Facilitator : Kara Andarini


    To learn more about the class, go to :

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    If you purchase more than one ticket, please ensure you are not entering the same name and information in the form. You should fill in the name and information of each participant.

    The course requires a minimum of 25 participants to start.


    uxresearch onlinecourse
  • Somia Academy Online: Design Research Skills

    Berakhir 2023-09-13 17:00:00



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