Scaling Up Masterclass: for Individual and Company

Scaling Up Masterclass: for Individual and Company

Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy

Scaling Up Masterclass: for Individual and Company

Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
  • The Masterclass Scaling Up is a one day workshop where attendees learn the principles of Scaling up and apply them directly to their own business. Ideally, entrepreneurs and CEOs take their leadership team with them to this masterclass. It is an excellent day working ‘on’ their business instead of fire fighting. 

    The outcome is that they know the principles of Scaling up and that they have a desire to learn more and thus willing to participate in the annual program.

    The five benefits of applying Scaling up are: 

    1. You describe a mission and vision that everyone is attracted to
    2. You translate that attractive vision into clear 3-year, 1-year, and crystal clear quarterly priorities
    3. You involve people in the challenges and successes so that everyone always knows exactly what to do now
    4. You make everything transparent in the organization, so you can monitor progress, measure growth, and impact
    5. You create a learning organization


    startup Scale-Up
  • Scaling Up Masterclass: for Individual
    This is your ticket for scaling up masterclass. Get your early bird promo for 20% off with the "PROMOPHASEONEINDIVIDUAL" code, limited.

    Berakhir 2022-11-03 17:00:00



    Scaling Up Masterclass: for Company
    This is your ticket for a max of 4 persons in one company. Get your phase one promo with the "PROMOPHASEONECOMPANY" code, limited.

    Berakhir 2022-11-03 17:00:00



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