Master Class

Master Class

Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post

Master Class

Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
  • Understanding Indonesian taxes for expatriates

    Upgrade your knowledge on taxes for expatriates; how to deal with taxation in Indonesia.

    Learn from experts about tax regulations, rights and obligations for foreigners in Indonesia

    With: Joko Purnomo Raharjo

    Tax expert

    Ph.D. candidate at Queensland University of Technology

    What you will learn

    1 Tax regulations, rights and obligations for expatriates

    2 Income and residence tax

    3 Omnibus law (tax on job creation)

    4 Tax treaty

    5 Value added tax (import )

    6 Regional tax (ad tax and F&B tax)

    7 Tax calculation

    8 Documents to prepare on your personal tax report

    Each participant will get :

    1. E-Certificate

    2. Recording ( available for one month only )

    3. Chance to consult on any issues related to individual income tax

    4. The Jakarta Post digital premium subsription for one month


    Who should attend this event?

    - Expatriates legally working in Indonesia
    - Foreign investors
    - Business owners



    Thank you for your interest to The Jakarta Post Master Class - Tax Clinic. The registration has reached its maximum quota. Should you intend to join our upcoming tax clinic, please fill in the following form We will send you an early notification about the session.   

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    1. Master Class by The Jakarta Post is an online workshop held on the ZOOM application. This application is available for FREE and can be downloaded on Windows, iOS, and Android. Make sure you have installed the application.

    1. Master Class by The Jakarta Post adalah sebuah workshop yang diadakan secara online melalui aplikasi ZOOM. Aplikasi ini tersedia GRATIS serta bisa diunduh di Windows, iOS, dan Android. Pastikan kamu sudah melakukan instalasi aplikasi terlebih dahulu.


    2. Participants will receive an invitation to the ZOOM session sent to the same EMAIL used during ticket purchase. You will receive the email at the latest 2 hours before the event starts. Make sure the email used is complete and correct. 

    2. Peserta akan mendapatkan invitation menuju ZOOM melalui EMAIL yang sama pada saat melakukan pembelian tiket, email tersebut akan diterima paling telat 2 jam sebelum event berlangsung. Pastikan alamat email yang kalian berikan sudah LENGKAP dan BENAR.


    3. If there is a difference of name during the E-ticket purchase and when you enter the Zoom room, you will not be given access. 

    3. Jika ditemukan perbedaan nama pada saat pembelian E-Ticket dan saat masuk ke room ZOOM maka tidak dapat masuk ke dalam ruangan.


    4. The E-voucher is valid for 1 (one) participant and 1 (one) time only according to the date & time of the event.

    4. E-Ticket hanya berlaku untuk 1 (satu) Orang dan 1 (satu) kali penggunaan sesuai dengan waktu & tanggal event.


    5. An E-ticket that has been booked/purchased and paid by the participant cannot be canceled, returned, refunded, sold, or transferred to other parties for any reason.

    5. E-Ticket yang sudah dipesan/dibeli dan dibayar oleh Peserta, tidak dapat dibatalkan atau dikembalikan atau diuangkan atau dijual kembali atau dialihkan dengan cara apapun kepada orang lain dengan alasan apapun.


    6. By purchasing this e-voucher, the participant understands and agrees to the terms & conditions that apply.

    6. Dengan membeli e-voucher ini peserta dianggap memahami dan menyetujui syarat & ketentuan yang berlaku. 


    7. In the event of malicious action, The Jakarta Post reserves the right to take any measure deemed necessary. 

    7. Apabila ditemukan tindak kecurangan yang merugikan, The Jakarta Post berhak melakukan tindakan yang dianggap perlu. 

  • Early Bird - Tax for Foreigner

    Berakhir 2021-08-27 23:00:00



    Tax For Foreigner

    Berakhir 2021-09-05 23:00:00



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    Metode pembayaran beragam

  • Distribusi tiket kemana saja

    Distribusi tiket kemana saja

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    Fitur check-in

  • Promo suka-suka

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      Fitur check-in

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      Biarkan kami untuk lebih mengenalmu

      Isi tanggal lahir dan pilih label event yang ingin kamu lihat lebih sering daripada yang lain.

      Sistem kami mendeteksi permintaan yang tidak umum dari jaringan perangkat anda. Silakan lakukan verifikasi ulang