Anticipating the upcoming event 'Kind of Dream Festival 2024’ an unparalleled electronic music beach festival set at the beach area of the first beach club in Jakarta, the Dreamville Beach Club at Pantai Indah Kapuk 2. Scheduled for the sun-soaked and electrifying nights of June 14 & 15, 2024, this festival is not just an event; it's a movement towards connecting dreamers under one sky to create beautiful and memorable festive moments.
Kind of Dream invites you to step into a realm where dreams are not just figments of imagination but palpable experiences. Set in the exclusive Dreamville Beach Club, the festival spans a lush beachfront area capable of hosting 5,000 dreamers, with an additional 3,000 revelers in the main beach club area. This festival promises to be a sanctuary for those who live and breathe electronic music, set against the picturesque coast of Pasir Putih at Pantai Indah Kapuk 2.
The festival features a lineup of artists that is true to their craft and to their fields, representing the diverse spectrum of electronic music, from house to techno, trance to EDM. Each set is carefully curated to take you on a journey, encapsulating the essence of dreams and the freedom they entail.
Day 1 — Melodic, Techno, Tech House
Agents of Time, Space Motion, Victor Ruiz, Technasia, TH;EN, YubikDay 2 — Trance & EDM
Ummet Ozcan, Ferry Corsten, Arty, Pretty Pink, Jerome Isma-Ae, Raidenand more national DJs to be announced.
'Kind of Dream' or KOD is a concept born out of the desire to connect like-minded individuals who dare to dream. Beyond the beats and the rhythm, it's a platform to inspire and be inspired, amidst the beauty of nature and the unifying power of electronic music. It's a call to those who envision a world without boundaries, who see life not just as it is but as it could be.
Follow our Instagram @kod.fest
Syarat & Ketentuan
1. Anda harus membawa kartu identitas berfoto yang masih berlaku untuk penukaran tiket dan nama dalam kartu identitas identitas akan dicocokan dengan nama yang tertera dalam e-voucher
2. â Untuk pembeli tiket Early Entry harus sudah masuk sebelum jam 5 sore. Jika pembeli tiket datang melebihi waktu yang ditentukan, maka pembeli wajib untuk upgrade tiket dan berlaku setiap hari
3. â Tiket Festival GA hanya dapat memasuki Beach Festival Area dan tidak dapat memasuki area VIP
4. â Tiket VIP dapat memasuki Beach Festival Area dan area VIP
5. â Tiket Group Pass GA & VIP akan mendapatkan 6 tiket dengan limitasi area masing-masing tiket
6. â Acara ini memiliki batasan usia. Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk menghadiri acara tersebut
7. â E-voucher akan diterbitkan dengan unique barcode yang dapat digunakan satu kali untuk satu orang
8. â Semua penjualan bersifat final. Tidak dapat dikembalikan/Tidak dapat dipindahtangankan.
9. â Detail acara, termasuk susunan artis, dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Silakan merujuk ke situs web resmi acara untuk informasi terbaru.
10. â Tidak akan ada tempat penitipan barang
11. â Dilarang membawa senjata tajam atau obat-obatan terlarang
12. Pihak penyelenggara menindak tegas, dan berhak mengeluarkan pengunjung apabila tidak mematuhi aturan yang telah diterapkan -
Hingga 13 Jun 2024, 23:59
3000000Group Pass (Buy 1 Get 5 Free Ticket)
- Access & Entry Only for Beach Festival Area
- Prices exclude Tax & ServicesPRESALE 2 - GROUP PASS - FESTIVAL (GA) DAY 2
Hingga 13 Jun 2024, 23:59
3000000Group Pass (Buy 1 Get 5 Free Ticket)
- Access & Entry Only for Beach Festival Area
- Prices exclude Tax & ServicesPRESALE 2 - GROUP PASS - VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 1
Hingga 13 Jun 2024, 23:59
5000000- Group Pass (Buy 1 Get 5 Free Ticket)
- Access & Entry at VIP Beach Club Area
- Can Also Access for Beach Festival Area
- Prices exclude Tax & ServicesPRESALE 2 - GROUP PASS - VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 2
Hingga 13 Jun 2024, 23:59
5000000- Group Pass (Buy 1 Get 5 Free Ticket)
- Access & Entry at VIP Beach Club Area
- Can Also Access for Beach Festival Area
- Prices exclude Tax & ServicesFree Ticket - PRESALE 1 - GP - FESTIVAL (GA) DAY 1
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 2 - GP - FESTIVAL (GA) DAY 1
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 1 - GP - FESTIVAL (GA) DAY 2
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 2 -GP- VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 2
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 1 -GP- VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 1
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 2 -GP- VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 1
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 1 -GP- VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 2
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
GratisFree Ticket - PRESALE 2 -GP- VIP BEACH CLUB DAY 2
Hingga 15 Jun 2024, 02:00
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