Junior Musical Wonderland : Chocolate Factory

Junior Musical Wonderland : Chocolate Factory

  • 22 Jul 2023, 14:00 - 21:00
  • 22 Jul 2023, 19:00 - 21:00
Diselenggarakan oleh Ciputra Artpreneur
Diselenggarakan oleh Ciputra Artpreneur

Junior Musical Wonderland : Chocolate Factory

  • 22 Jul 2023, 14:00 - 21:00
  • 22 Jul 2023, 19:00 - 21:00
Diselenggarakan oleh Ciputra Artpreneur
Diselenggarakan oleh Ciputra Artpreneur
  • Hi Jakarta Production & Ciputra Artpreneur proudly presents


    "Chocolate Factory the Musical"

    Inspired by Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

    When Charlie wins a golden ticket to the mysterious Wonka Chocolate Factory, he discovers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to indulge in sweets and chocolates that have always been out of reach for the Bucket’s family.

    Join Charlie & friends on their adventure in the Wonka Chocolate Factory. In this magical world, they experience captivating journeys and learn about life.

    Witness this mesmerizing new take on the classic story and immerse yourself in the enchantment of the magical Chocolate Factory.

    Tickets Pre-Sale Starting June 3rd at 8pm

    T&C (Bahasa Indonesia)

    • Tempat duduk

      1. Registrasi ulang tidak diperlukan, penonton bisa langsung ke tempat duduk masing-masing

      2. Tidak ada penukaran tiket fisik di Hari-H

      3. Anak berusia dibawah enam tahun harus mempunyai tiket

    • Tiket

      1. Tiket hanya dapat dibeli melalui Official Partner loket.com.

      2. Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan atau diuangkan kembali dengan alasan apapun

      3. Tidak boleh menukar jam show Tidak dapat menukar tiket duplikat

      4. Jika ada kesulitan silahkan ke meja informasi

    • Hari Pertunjukan

      1. Acara dilaksanakan pada pukul: Sesi 1 : 14.00 wib Sesi 2: 19.00 wib

      2. Pengunjung wajib datang 60 menit sebelum acara berlangsung untuk menghindari kerumunan

      3. Ekspektasi pertunjukan berlangsung selama 120 Menit dengan Intermission/Break selama 10 menit

      4. Tidak diperbolehkan membawa makanan dan minuman ke theatre hall

      5. Penonton dipersilakan untuk mengambil foto dan video (memberikan tag credit ke ciputra artpreneur dan hijakartaproduction)

      6. Penonton dilarang mengambil foto/video menggunakan flash.

      7. Pengunjung tidak diizinkan untuk membawa tripod, monopod dan kamera profesional

      8. Selama konser penonton diharapkan untuk tidak bersuara selama pertunjukan berlangsung

      9. Penonton dilarang membawa senjata api, senjata tajam, dan benda-benda yang membahayakan.

      10. Panitia dan penyelenggara berhak untuk mengeluarkan penonton yang mengganggu jalannya acara

    T&C [in English]

    1. Seating

    • Re-registration is not required. Audiences may proceed directly to their designated seats.

    • Please note that there will be no physical ticket exchange available on the day of the event.

    • Children under the age of six must have a ticket.

    1. Ticket Policy

    • Tickets are exclusively available for purchase through our Official Partner, loket.com.

    • Once tickets have been purchased, they cannot be canceled or refunded under any circumstances.

    • Please kindly note that show schedules and duplicate ticket exchanges are strictly prohibited.

    • If you encounter any issues, kindly approach our information desk for assistance.

    1. Event Day

    • The event will take place at:

      • Session 1: 14.00 WIB

      • Session 2: 19.00 WIB

    • Visitors are required to arrive 60 minutes prior to the event to avoid audience traffic

    • The show is expected to last for 120 minutes with a 10-minute intermission/break

    • Visitors are not permitted to bring food and drinks into the theater hall.

    • Visitors are allowed to take photos and videos (with proper credit to @artpreneur and @hijakartaproduction).

    • The use of flash photography is prohibited.

    • Visitors are not allowed to bring tripods, monopods, and professional cameras.

    • During the concert, visitors are expected to remain silent throughout the performance.

    • Visitors are strictly prohibited from bringing firearms, sharp objects, and any other hazardous or dangerous materials into the event area.

    • The committee and organizers reserve the right to expel spectators who disrupt the course of the event

    • SHOW 1

      Mulai dari Rp 250.000

      Normal - VVIP

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 15:00:00



      Normal - VIP

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 15:00:00



      Normal - GOLD

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 15:00:00



      Normal - SILVER ( BALCONY )

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 15:00:00



      Normal - BRONZE

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 15:00:00



    • SHOW 2

      Mulai dari Rp 250.000

      Normal - VVIP

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 20:00:00



      Normal - VIP

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 20:00:00



      Normal - GOLD

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 20:00:00



      Normal - SILVER ( BALCONY )

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 20:00:00



      Normal - BRONZE

      Berakhir 2023-07-22 20:00:00



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