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  • Indonesia National Science Enterprise Challenge (INASEC) is a 12 hours business idea competition for high school studens. INASEC aimes to encourage young people's entrepreneurship and develop their knowledge and experience of enterprise. It gives an opportunity where teams of high school students from around the world challenge to solve a significant global issue through an innovative and sustainable enterprise idea. They also learn to apply their knowledge of science in a practical way.

    Eligible participants are 14-19 year old who are attending high school. In order to register for the competition, participants should form a team of up to 5 eligible students and provide all the names and birthdates of team members. Ideally, the team should possess a broad range of complimentary skills and knowledge in areas such as science, technology, business, marketing and communication. Your competition is already starting when you form your team!

    Winner of INASEC will represent Indonesia to compete in Global Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (GYEC). 

  • Pendaftaran INASEC 2024

    Berakhir 2024-03-02 23:00:00



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