Indonesia Agritech Startup and Tourism Insight 2023

Indonesia Agritech Startup and Tourism Insight 2023

Diselenggarakan oleh BISA
Diselenggarakan oleh BISA

Indonesia Agritech Startup and Tourism Insight 2023

Diselenggarakan oleh BISA
Diselenggarakan oleh BISA
  • About IASTI 2023

    We were established in 2015 under the name Indonesia Startup Insight (ISI). ISI provides valuable insights and fosters meaningful connections for investors in terms of time, energy, and capital to drive the transformation of Indonesia's future. Since 2016, ISI has been instrumental in supporting the growth of early-stage Indonesian startups through a global pitching competition. This successful event has since become an annual tradition.

    In the current climate of rising inflationary pressures and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable economic solutions is more critical than ever. The theme of "Agritech and Tourism," introduced by Start-up Insight in 2023, is a timely response to these challenges.

    The importance of a green economy approach to Agritech and tourism emphasizes sustainable agricultural practices and earth-friendly tourism. By preserving natural resources, mitigating climate change, and promoting responsible consumption, a green economy ensures the long-term viability of these sectors.


    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through:

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Whatsapp: 0821-1122-7843 (Giovanni) 


    startup agritech Tourism investment networking
  • Startup Showcase at IASTI 2023
    1 ticket valid for 1 Team (max. 3 persons)
    | 100% Discount Coupon Available

    Berakhir 2023-11-10 23:00:00



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