Diselenggarakan oleh instagramstories
Diselenggarakan oleh instagramstories


Diselenggarakan oleh instagramstories
Diselenggarakan oleh instagramstories
  • Advertising on Instagram

    Nowadays, it is quite possible to earn money by advertising through the application, but it is not as easy as it seems. Users with a high number of followers and interactions appealing to a certain audience can take advertisement offers from some companies and advertise in exchange for the product or both for the iron and for a certain fee.

    Thanks to these ads, people who want to introduce their products to more people aim to increase their sales rates by increasing their target audience, and they are successful if the right strategy is used. This quite common situation has taken its place among the frequently used marketing techniques.

    Most Used Advertising Techniques

    There are many ways to advertise through the Instagram application. While some users share photos, videos, or reels, some users prefer to reach many people most easily by adding links to their stories and providing easy guidance. So, how to link to the story on Instagram as the most used method?

    Adding a Link to the Story

    Adding links to shared stories is one of the most used advertising methods. This method is used not only when advertising but also to direct people to another site, user profile, or address. In the early days, it was necessary to have 10000 followers in order to add a link, but now the situation is quite different.

    To add a link to the story in the Instagram application;

    • Log in to the application.
    • By coming to view instagram stories section, the photo or video to be shared is selected or taken.
    • Interesting edits such as effects arrangements or adding music can be made optionally.
    • Then click on the 'connection' option from the options section.
    • The link of the page or site to be shared is copied and pasted into the URL section that opens.
    • To check the shared link, you can view the link or the post in the preview section. By using this technique, users can easily be directed to the desired area.


  • instastoriesonline

    Berakhir 2022-11-01 00:00:00



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