BIFF 2024 - The Gospel Of The Beast Feature Narrative In Competition

BIFF 2024 - The Gospel Of The Beast Feature Narrative In Competition

BIFF 2024 - The Gospel Of The Beast Feature Narrative In Competition

  • Film: The Gospel of The Beast

    Director: Sheron Dayoc

    Country: Philippines

    Language: Tagalog

    Duration: 1:30


    When 15-year-old Mateo accidentally kills a classmate, he runs away with a man he barely knows, Berto, with whom he creates a unique father-son relationship - where Mateo learns the harrowing realities about life, death, and beasthood.

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    • Policy Lost or stolen tickets: Please take care of your tickets as lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced.
    • Age restrictions: Some films may be age-restricted, and we kindly ask that attendees adhere to the age restrictions set by the festival.
    • Latecomers: Latecomers will not be allowed entry to the theater after the film has begun. Please make sure to arrive early to avoid disappointment.
    • Photography and recording: Photography and recording of any kind are not allowed during film screenings or events unless explicitly permitted by the festival.
    • Mobile phones: Please make sure to turn off your mobile phone during the film screening to avoid disturbing other attendees.
    • Accessibility: The festival venue is wheelchair accessible, and we provide designated seating for attendees with disabilities. Please inform us in advance if you require any special accommodations.
    • Reselling tickets: The resale of tickets is strictly prohibited, and the festival reserves the right to cancel any tickets that are suspected to have been resold.
    • Code of conduct: The festival is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for all attendees. We kindly ask that all attendees adhere to our code of conduct, which prohibits harassment, discrimination, or any other behavior that may cause harm to others. Tickets holders are not guaranteed a specific seat or location in the cinema. We encourage you to arrive early to secure your preferred seat We hope these policies provide clarity and ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    *All non English language films will have English subtitles

    *Program and Schedule subject to change

    *Tickets are non refundable


  • BIFF 2024 - The Gospel Of The Beast

    Berakhir 2024-06-04 16:00:00



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