Analog Photography Hunting & Processing with Tadas Kazakevičius

Analog Photography Hunting & Processing with Tadas Kazakevičius

Analog Photography Hunting & Processing with Tadas Kazakevičius

  • Join Tadas Kazakevičius on a journey to see Jakarta from a different lens. Tadas will lead a class of 12 participants to stroll the streets of Blok M, making environmental portraits and sharing an adventure together.

    This analog photography workshop spans across two days. The first day starts with a photo walk, to align the mentor’s and participants’ ways of using photography as a tool of exploration. On the second day, participants will be invited to process their exploration photos in a darkroom.

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    • The program welcomes participants of any nationalities
    • Participants must be at least 17 years old
    • Participants must bring their own analog camera and film roll
    • JIPFest program manager will be in touch with you prior to the workshop to inform the logistics
  • Analog Photography - Hunting & Processing with
    The Lithuania-based documentary and portrait photographer will invite participants to use photography as a tool of exploration then process.

    Berakhir 2023-09-17 23:00:00



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