2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta

2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta

Diselenggarakan oleh CK Star Entertainment

2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta

Diselenggarakan oleh CK Star Entertainment
  • CK Star Entertainment hereby announces  “2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta”

    Concert Tickets consist of  3 (three) categories where Cat 1 is standing, Cat 2 and Cat 3 are number seating. Prices start from IDR1.500.000 to IDR 2.500,000 (exclude Government 15% tax and 5% admin fee)

    Category Benefits
    Cat 1
    Group Photo for 300 pax (Random Draw)
    Signed Poster 20 Pax (Random Draw)
    Signed Album 10 pax (Random Draw)


    Cat 2
    Group Photo for 100 pax (Random Draw)
    Signed Poster 10 Pax (Random Draw)

    About BOL4

    Bolbbalgan4 (Korean: 볼빨간 사춘기; RR: Bolbbalgan Sachungi), also known as BOL4 or Blushing Youth started their debut with the single "Fight Day" from the mini-album Red Ickle on April 22nd, 2016.

    It was the first part of their cycle "Red", labelled as "Half Album". The "Full Album” was released as “Red Planet” on August 29th, 2016. Ahn Jiyoung is credited as a co-writer of all tracks except “Sometimes.” Songs from BOL4 are also often used as the drama soundtrack, one of them is for Ruler: Master of the Mask, played by Kim So Hyun.

    After “Seoul” album launched on 20 April 2022, BOL4 has come back with her mini album LOVE.ZIP featuring three title tracks and a total of five songs all written by Ahn Ji Young. One of the song “Chase Love Hard” also features Hwang Minhyun, a singer and actor from South Korea. The album also features other songs such as “Friend the End,” “When Love Becomes Separation,” “Rome” and “Sweet Dreams 0224”.

    After Macau and Tokyo, Jakarta will be one of the stops for 2023 BOL4 ASIA TOUR - LIVE IN JAKARTA. The series of Asian tours that have been confirmed will start from Macau, Tokyo, Jakarta and Singapore.

    “2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta” " will be held on Saturday Sep 9, 2023 at Balai Sarbini at 8.00 PM.

    Please follow the official Instagram account of @ckstar.id to follow the latest information from CK Star Entertainment Indonesia

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    • Mohon siapkan data Pembeli Tiket (nama, email, no. telp dan KTP/Passport/SIM/Kartu Pelajar) yang berbeda jika pembelian lebih dari 1 tiket. Pastikan Anda melakukan pengisian data dengan benar dan sah sesuai dengan kartu identitas.
      Please prepare Ticket Buyer’s data (name, email, phone number and ID card/Passport/Driving License/Student Card) for each user if you purchase more than 1 (one) ticket. Make sure that all data is correct and valid.
    • Harga Tiket tidak termasuk Pajak 15%, Biaya Layanan 5% dan biaya lainnya.
      Ticket price excludes Government Tax 15%, Convenience Fee 5% and any other applicable charges.

    • 1 akun hanya dapat membeli maksimum 4 (empat) tiket per transaksi. 1 account can purchase a maximum of 4 (four) tickets per transaction.
    • Tiket berlaku untuk 1 (satu) orang dan 1 (satu) kali masuk sesuai dengan tanggal yang tertera di E-tiket Ticket is valid for 1 (one) person and 1 (one) time entry according to the date printed on the E-ticket.
    • Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan atau diuangkan. Ticket cannot be exchanged or refunded.
    • Anak dibawah umur 14 tahun wajib didampingi oleh orang tua atau wali dan anak dibawah umur 6 tahun tidak diijinkan masuk. Children under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and children under 6 years old are not allowed to attend the event

    • Setiap Pembeli Tiket Cat 2 dan Cat 3 akan mendapatkan nomor kursi Each Ticket Buyer of Cat 2 and Cat 3 will receive a seat number.

    • Penjualan Tiket resmi hanya melalui channel yang telah diinformasikan melalui akun resmi social media Penyelenggara acara @ckstar.id. Pembelian tiket di luar dari channel resmi menjadi tanggung jawab dan resiko pribadi dari Pembeli Tiket. Official ticket sales only through the channel that have been informed via Promotor’s official social media @ckstar.id. Ticket(s) purchase from unofficial and unauthorized third party are at the sole risk and responsibility of Ticket Purchaser.

    • Mohon tidak membagikan dan menyebarluaskan nomor barcode di dalam E-tiket baik dalam bentuk unggahan foto atau email dan lainnya. Please do not share or disseminate the barcode number in the E-ticket either in the form of photo uploads/emails and others.

    • Penyelenggara acara tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan atau kehilangan E-tiket/ Wristband yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian Pembeli Tiket. Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss of the E-ticket/Wristband caused by Ticket Buyer’s negligence

    • Dengan membeli Tiket, Pembeli Tiket telah menyetujui pengumpulan, penyimpanan, penggunaan data diri Anda secara terbatas untuk keperluan konser 2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta By purchasing the ticket, Ticket Buyer agrees to the collection, storage and limited use of your personal data for the purposes of the 2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta

    • Pemegang Tiket memberikan hak kepada pihak Penyelenggara acara untuk melakukan perekaman dan penggunaan video dan gambar untuk publisitas, promosi dan keperluan komersil lainnya yang berkaitan dengan konser 2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta di kemudian hari. The Ticket Holder grants the Promoter the right to record and use any video and picture for publicity, promotion or other commercial purpose related to 2023 BOL4 Asia Tour in Jakarta concert in future

    • Penyelenggara acara berhak untuk tidak memberikan izin masuk ke dalam area acara apabila ada syarat & ketentuan yang tidak dipenuhi atau dengan sengaja membuat kerusuhan/menimbulkan hal-hal yang merugikan satu pihak atau pihak lainnya The Promoter has the right not to give permission to enter the event area if there is a breach of these Terms & Conditions or intentionally create a commotion/cause things that are detrimental to one party or another.

    • Bagi Pembeli Tiket berkebutuhan khusus dapat menghubungi Penyelenggara acara melalui [email protected] dengan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Dokter yang sah dari Rumah Sakit atau intitusi Kesehatan lainnya. For Ticket Buyer with special needs, please contact the Promoter by email to [email protected] and attach a legitimate medical certificate from a legitimate hospital or other health institution as the proof.

    • Penonton wajib telah menerima vaksin booster sebelum hari pelaksanaan konser tanggal 9 September 2023. Penerapan Syarat dan Ketentuan Protokol Kesehatan dapat berubah sewaktu – waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diberlakukan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia pada saat acara. Penonton wajib mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan yang berlaku. Ticket Holder must have received a booster vaccine on concert day before September 9th 2023. Health Protocol Terms and Conditions may change at any time according to the provisions imposed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of the event. Ticket Holder must comply with the Health Protocol Guideline.

    • Penonton wajib mengunduh (download) dan mendaftar aplikasi Satu Sehat untuk pemeriksaan saat masuk ke dalam area Balai Sarbini. Ticket Holder must download and register to the Satu Sehat App for security check at the gate before entering Balai Sarbini.

    • Dimohon untuk membawa KTP/Passport/SIM/Kartu Pelajar asli sesuai dengan data yang tertera di E-ticket pada saat penukaran Wrisband/Tiket berlangsung di Balai Sarbini. Please bring your valid ID card/Passport/Driving License/Student Card according to the data printed on the E- ticket to redeem your Wristband/Tickets at Balai Sarbini.

    • Penukaran tiket yang diwakili oleh orang lain, wajib membawa surat kuasa yang ditandatangani diatas materai Rp 10.000,-, E-Ticket yang sudah dicetak dan fotokopi KTP/Passport/SIM/Kartu Pelajar sesuai dengan nama yang tertera pada saat pembelian. Ticket redemption representatives must provide a Letter of Attorney signed on a Rp. 10,000 stamp (materai), Printed E-Ticket, and a photocopy of ID card/Passport/Driving License/Student Card according to the name printed on the E-Ticket

    • Berikut adalah barang barang yang tidak diizinkan masuk ke dalam area acara. The following items are not permitted in the event area: - Makanan dan Minuman / Food and Drinks - Kamera Profesional, DSLR, Perekam, Kamera Polaroid, GoPro, Drone, etc Professional Cameras, DSLR, Recorder, Polaroid Cameras, GoPros, Drone etc - Ipad/Tablet / Ipad/Tablet - Tongkat Selfie, Tripod, dll / Selfie Stick, Tripod, etc - Tas dengan ukuran tidak lebih dari 420mm x 297mm x 210mm Oversized Bag, not larger than 420mm x 297mm x 210mm - Botol Minuman/Tumbler / Water Bottle/Tumbler - Parfum dan Kaleng aerosol / Perfume and Aerosol Can - Bangku/Kursi /


    konser musik

      Mulai dari Rp 2.500.000

      CAT 1 (STANDING)
      Harga belum termasuk biaya platform dan pajak terkait

      Berakhir 2023-09-09 20:00:00




      Mulai dari Rp 1.500.000

      CAT 2 (SEATED)
      Harga belum termasuk biaya platform dan pajak terkait

      Berakhir 2023-09-09 20:00:00



      CAT 3 (SEATED)
      Harga belum termasuk biaya platform dan pajak terkait

      Berakhir 2023-09-09 20:00:00



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