The Music Society

Get ready to be immersed in melodies and captivating music!
We invite you to attend a spectacular music concert featuring three of Indonesia's most famous musicians: The Adams, MALIQ & D'Essentials, and Okaay. The concert will be held on March 7, 2024 at fyne, South Jakarta.
The Adams, a well-known Indonesian rock band, will perform their hits that have accompanied the musical journey of many people. MALIQ & D'Essentials, with their distinctive pop jazzy music, will leave you captivated by their melodies and meaningful lyrics. Okaay, a talented young singer with a melodious voice, will perform her catchy and easy listening pop songs.
Get your pre-sale ticket now!
The Music Society Concert (Reguler)Nonton MALIQ & D'Essentials, The Adams and Okaay di fyne jakarta tanggal 7 Maret 2024!
Berakhir 2024-03-07 23:00:00
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