Student Membership
  • Why you should join

    At the BIAMC, we believe in investing in your future, from an early age. Whether you want to pursue a successful career in international dispute resolution, learn more about means to resolve disputes internationally or learn more on how to progress your career in the field of law by acquiring several career-specific skills: BIAMC Student Membership will support you for all of these goals – and much more. Become a Student Member now!


    What you will get

    • Access all BIAMC online courses for free
    • Take up to two exams of online courses on alternative dispute resolution without paying the exam fee every year and receive the respective certificates for free
    • Take up to two exams of online courses on career development without paying the exam fee every year and receive the respective certificates for free
    • Benefit from the opportunity to become your university’s BIAMC Student Ambassador
    • Hone your advocacy skills by participating in the BIAMC’s Advocacy Skills Competition
    • Stay informed about latest trends in the alternative dispute resolution industry through the BIAMC’s newsletters and updates
    • Engage with other students and alternative dispute resolution practitioners from Indonesia, South East Asia and generally around the world


    How it works

    Student Membership is open to anyone who is enrolled at a university at the time of application.


    Annual tuition fee: USD 28

  • Student Membership: USD 28
    BIAMC Student Membership is renewable yearly.

    Berakhir 2020-07-08 00:00:00



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