SIAP Talkshow #3: The Role of Social Enterprise in Reshaping The Future of Education

SIAP Talkshow #3: The Role of Social Enterprise in Reshaping The Future of Education

SIAP Talkshow #3: The Role of Social Enterprise in Reshaping The Future of Education

    The Role of Social Enterprise in Reshaping the Future of Education

    In an era where technology and information are rapidly growing — and all the limitations that arise during a pandemic — the educational sector is facing critical issues. New learning methods and fun activities are needed to be able to meet unique individual's needs and challenges nowadays.

    To help boost the education system, Social Enterprise has started its role in developing various educational programs and providing opportunities for the learners and teachers to improve and get prepared for the ever evolving future.

    From engaging students to developing their skills, are we ready to grow together for a better education in Indonesia?

    Join our online discussion that will be held on

    Wednesday, 25 November 2020
    19.00-21.00 WIB
    via Zoom

    Inviting the experts passionate in education— Aisha Habir (Co-Founder BacaPibo), Amanda Simandjuntak (Co-Founder of Skilvul), and Talitha Amalia (Co-Founder of Solve Education!).

    The talkshow will be moderated by Aghnia Banat (Managing Director of SIAP).

    You will hear interesting discussions on how social enterprises collaborate to support and improve the educational sector in Indonesia.


    Mark the date and let’s get inspired through SIAP TALKSHOW!

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    Ticket cannot be refunded.

  • SIAP Talkshow #3
    SIAP Talkshow #3 The Role of Social Enterprise in Reshaping The Future of Education

    Berakhir 2020-11-25 16:00:00



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