Rejuvenating Yoga with Mina

Rejuvenating Yoga with Mina

Diselenggarakan oleh Om Ham Retreat & Resort
Diselenggarakan oleh Om Ham Retreat & Resort

Rejuvenating Yoga with Mina

Diselenggarakan oleh Om Ham Retreat & Resort
Diselenggarakan oleh Om Ham Retreat & Resort
  • Kundalini Tantra Yoga practice will help to rejuvenate and strengthen the body, because the focus is on the pelvis, the spine and the head. The pelvis and the head are a reflection of each other, they are the first and the second brain. The divine feminine energy resides in the pelvis; holding the womb of creation in women and the head is the seed of creation in men (masculine energy).
    Kundalini Tantra Yoga connects these 2 opposites poles through flowing movement along the spine and dynamic breathing. In practicing the dynamic breath, we move the pelvis and the spine so the energy flows and connects with the crown chakra (the head). The head creates white blood cells to protect and heal the body from illness and invasion. The practitioner gains two strengths, white and red blood cells which together create rejuvenation, good health and strengthen your body. When you let the body take over, you will move into a place where you can go beyond physicality.
    Mina will guide you through the steps that you need to understand in order to rejuvenate and strengthen the body with yoga exercises effortlessly and effectively.

    time conventer

    *Live streaming via ZOOM

    *For in-person class please come to our Yoga Shalla at Om Ham Retreat & Resort (Tirta Tawar Road/Banjar Junjungan Ubud, Bali - Indonesia)

    See you on the mat!



    yoga kelasyogaonline yogalife
  • Rejuvenating Yoga with Mina

    Berakhir 2021-12-09 15:00:00



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