Rock Bar XV Anniversary Party

Save the date: Rock Bar, Bali presents XV Anniversary Party with 6 headliners on Friday, August 31st. Secure your reservation now.
Early bird ticket:
IDR 400,000 net included 2 drinks ( 1x selected alcoholic drinks and 1x selected non-acoholic drinks)
DJ Line up:
Rafa Gonzalez, Yoga Yin, Lukey Bagus, X-Jane, Gary Ey
Pink Print Team
Syarat & Ketentuan
Tiket ini hanya berlaku pada standing area kami, untuk pemesanan meja dan sofa, kamisarankan unruk menghubungi team kami lebih lanjut di [email protected] atauWA +62 811 3810 0083
This ticket is applicable for standing party area, for table and sofa reservation please [email protected] or WA +62 811 3810 0083
Seluruh tamu luar yang mengunjungi Rock Bar, BALl pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2024 wajib membeli tiket sebelum memasuki kawasan Rock Bar, BALI. 1 tiket berlaku untuk 1 orang.
All incoming outside guests to Rock Bar on Saturday, August 31st is required to buy the ticket to enter. 1 ticket only eligible for 1 person.
Tamu dari AYANA Resort Bali, AYANA Villas Bali, dan RIMBA by AYANA Bali, bisa mendapat tiket masuk gratis untuk menikmati acara ini.
Guests of AYANA Resort Bali, AYANA Villas Bali, and RIMBA by AYANA Bali, enjoy complimentary entrance to this event.
Disarankan untuk mengenakan pakaian yang sopan. Tidak diperkenakan memakai singlet,celana pendek atau pun pakaian dengan merk minuman beralkohol. Untuk alasan keamanan,ransel tidak diperbolehkan dibawah ke Rock Bar.
Smart attire is required at ALL times. No singlets, board-shorts or alcohol branded attire will bepermitted. In adherence to security measures, backpacks are also not allowed at Rock Bar.
Jika terjadi pembatalan acara karena cuaca atau kondisi tak terduga lainnya, tiket dapatditukarkan dengan kredit AYANA. Pembatalan tergantung pada ketentuan Manajemen.
In the event of cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the entrancefee will be redeemable for resort credit. Cancellation is up to the sole discretion ofManagement.
Tiket yang telah di beli tidak dapat dikembalikanThis ticket is non refundable.
1st Batch Early Bird TicketInclude 2 drinks (1 alcohol and 1 non-alcohol from selected item)
Berakhir 2024-08-01 14:00:00
2nd Batch Pre-SalesInclude 2 drinks (1 alcohol and 1 non alcohol from selected item)Berakhir 2024-08-15 14:00:00
General AdmissionInclude 2 drinks (1 alcohol and 1 non alcohol from selected item)Berakhir 2024-08-31 14:00:00
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