MVB Indonesia Sustainable Hospitality Conference

MVB Indonesia Sustainable Hospitality Conference

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MVB Indonesia Sustainable Hospitality Conference

Diselenggarakan oleh Phoenix Communications
  • MVB Indonesia is a sustainable advocacy which believes sustainability should be embedded into all commercial businesses and that it needs to be simple, accessible and right for your business.

    The aim of the conference is to foster greater communication and collaboration between scientists, practitioners and policy makers in seeking innovative and pragmatic approaches to sustainable tourism and hospitality.

    Conference Format :

    The Conference will feature three panels to ensure that each sector of the hospitality industry is represented and that full scope of discussion is encouraged :

    1. “Quality vs Quantity”
    How to Reduce Visitor Numbers but Retain Profitability”

    Presenting speakers :

    Wiwik Mahdayani (Desma Center)
    Sean Nino (EcoMantra Bali)

    2. “Changing the Paradigm of the Hospitality Industry”
    The restaurant and Café industry has to work closer with recycling industry and its supplies to create seamless sustainable supply chains.

    Presenting speakers:

    M. Bijaksana Junerosano (Waste4Change)
    Anthony Cottan (Starbucks) *To Be Confirmed
    Bo Holmgreen (Scholars of Sustenance/SOS)

    3. “Protecting the Future”
    The hotel industry has to change its practices, the food industry needs to learn about nature and the whole industry has to change its source of materials to protect the future.

    Presenting speakers:

    Helianti Hilman (Javara) *To Be Confirmed
    Kevin Girard (Hilton Bandung Hotel)
    David Christian (Evo & Co.)

    Shall you need further information regarding the event, please contact Miranda [email protected]

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    - This conference is aimed for those who involved in hospitality industry. 

    - Please wear semi-formal/formal clothing to the event.

    - For more information about the event or the ticket pricing, please contact Miranda at [email protected].

  • Regular for Two
    Promo ticket. Valid for two persons. Tax included.

    Berakhir 2020-03-11 12:00:00



    Valid for one student (university or schools) only. Tax included.

    Berakhir 2020-03-11 12:00:00



    Valid for one person only. Tax included.

    Berakhir 2020-03-11 12:00:00



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