Jakpost Up Close Webinar #4

Jakpost Up Close Webinar #4

Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post

Jakpost Up Close Webinar #4

Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
Diselenggarakan oleh The Jakarta Post
  • The Jakarta Post editorial team invites you to register for the next Jakpost Up Close webinar!

    Jakpost Up Close is a live discussion series that explores some of Indonesia’s most pressing topics with some of the country’s most influential figures and decision-makers.

    Theme: Digitizing SMEs, managing finances to weather crisis

    Keynote speaker: 

    • Taufiqurrahman, The Jakarta Post Deputy Editor-in-Chief


    • Novi Tandjung, Gojek Head of Merchant Platform Business
    • Adhitya Satriadi, TMP Accounting Managing Director
    • Rahmat Budiarjo, Kopi Kenangan SVP & Head of Founder Office
    • Ria Sarwono, Cotton Ink Founder & Marketing Director

    Date/Time: July 09, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

    Registration Fee: Rp 150,000 per person

    Space is limited to 1,000 participants. Do not miss this valuable opportunity! 


    The topics that will be discussed during the webinar include:

    1.  How to manage your small business’ finances and digital tools.

    2.  How to tell if your business’ financial management has been effective and efficient. Are you on the right track? Learn how to create a financial road map.

    3.  Understanding digital tools to reduce costs and improve consumer experiences.

    4.  Tips from the experts on how to scale up your business.

    5.  How to navigate your business through a crisis.

    6.  E-certificates

    7.  Recording webinars


    For more information contact [email protected] or +62 815-8516-8400 (Diana)

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    1. The webinar will be conducted on the Zoom platform, which can be downloaded through Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

    1. Webinar akan diadakan melalui aplikasi Zoom yang dapat diunduh melalui Windows, Mac, iOS dan Android.

    2. After completing the transaction, you will receive an email from Loket containing an e-voucher that will have a link to an online registration form. You MUST register with the same email used for your transaction.

    2. Setelah menyelesaikan transaksi, peserta akan menerima email berisi e-voucher yang memuat link registrasi webinar. Alamat email yang digunakan untuk registrasi online HARUS SAMA dengan alamat email  yang digunakan pada data pembelian e-voucher.

    3. E-voucher is valid for 1 (one) participant only according to the name listed on the e-voucher.

    3. E-voucher berlaku untuk 1 (satu) orang peserta sesuai nama yang tertera pada e-voucher.

    4. Link access to Zoom will be sent at the latest 1 hour before the webinar starts to your registered email.

    4. Link akses masuk Zoom akan kami berikan paling lambat 1 jam sebelum webinar dimulai ke email terdaftar.

    5. The Jakarta Post reserves the right to NOT grant access to the webinar if the data on the online registration form does not match the data of the registered participant on the e-voucher purchase.

    5. Kami berhak untuk tidak memberikan akses apabila didapati data pengakses yang tidak sesuai dengan data registrasi peserta.

    6. E-vouchers that have been purchased cannot be refunded and/or transferred to other parties.

    6. E-voucher yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan dan/atau dipindahtangankan kepada pihak lain.

    7. By purchasing this e-voucher, the participant understands and agrees to the terms & conditions that apply.

    7. Dengan membeli e-voucher ini peserta dianggap memahami dan menyetujui syarat & ketentuan yang berlaku.

    8. In the event of malicious action, The Jakarta Post reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary.

    8. Apabila ditemukan tindak kecurangan yang merugikan, The Jakarta Post berhak melakukan tindakan yang dianggap perlu.

  • Jakpost Up Close webinar
    Digitizing SMEs, managing finances to weather crisis

    Berakhir 2020-07-09 16:00:00



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