Joyland Festival Bali 2022

Joyland Festival Bali 2022

Diselenggarakan oleh Plainsong Live
Diselenggarakan oleh Plainsong Live

Joyland Festival Bali 2022

Diselenggarakan oleh Plainsong Live
Diselenggarakan oleh Plainsong Live
  • PROMO GOPAY DISC 50%! Yuk beli tiket event ini sekarang dengan GoPay untuk dapetin DISC 50%, maks. 15k! Periode: 22 Feb - 6 Mar 2022 Kamu akan mendapatkan notif dari GoPay ketika cashback-mu sudah masuk ya. Buruan serbu sekarang karena kuota terbatas! *S&K berlaku

    Joyland is coming to Bali! Joyland Festival is an annual music and arts festival held outdoors in green space. The three-day event showcases live music, comedy, film, workshops, and activities across different areas of the venue. Join us in this multisensory festival celebrating artists in different creative fields.

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    For more information :


    Let̢۪s reduce single-use plastic. Refillable water stations available inside venue.


    - Ages 0-6 Years Old.

    1. Age verified by showing KIA upon arrival.

    2. No charges/fees.

    3. Accompanied by an adult with a ticket.

    - Ages 6 Years and Above

    1. Purchase ticket by filling in KIA number in the Identity Number column.

    2. Has Peduli Lindungi and is vaccinated 2x.


    1. Input country code + passport number in the Identity Number column.

    2. Signed up in Peduli Lindungi.

    Acceptable Items:

    -Cigarettes and lighters (cigarettes must be sealed upon entry)

    -E-cigs / vapes

    -Non-professional flash / still cameras, handheld video devices (Sony Action Cam, GoPro, Polaroids, etc.)

    -Rain ponchos and umbrellas are recommended.

    Prohibited Items:

    -Outside food or drinks. Food and drinks are available inside the venue.

    -Professional photography / videography (with detachable lenses) and audio recording equipment. Point and shoot cameras and mobile phones are permitted.

    -Plastic bottles, glasses, and cans. Water bottles and tumblers are permitted.

    -Drugs and illegal substances.

    -Rollerblades, bicycles, and other personal vehicles.

    -Weapons, sharp objects, and flammables

    -Any other potentially hazardous and dangerous items.

    -General event grounds are non-smoking, please proceed to designated smoking areas.

    1. Ticket Rules and Regulations

      1. Purchasers of JOYLAND tickets will receive e-vouchers. Please ensure to bring your e-voucher during ticket exchange. Digital e-vouchers are acceptable; printing of e-vouchers is not necessary. Required to show ID card on entry.

      2. Barcode will be scanned by our staff upon entry. E-vouchers will then be exchanged with a wristband.

      3. Wristbands are MANDATORY to be used immediately upon entrance to the JOYLAND area.

      4. Tickets that have been purchased or exchanged are non-refundable.

      5. Tickets are non-transferable to other persons.

      6. 1 (one) ticket is valid for 1 (one) person and 1 (one) time entrance only per day and/or depending upon ticket category purchased.

      7. No re-entries allowed.

      8. For those who purchased EARLY ENTRY tickets, the last entry is at 15:00 WITA. Should you arrive past the given time, additional charges will be applied (ticket top-up).

      9. Ticket top-ups can be made in the Ticket Box.

      10. ON-THE-SPOT ticket purchases can be made in the Ticket Box.

      11. Purchasers of ON-THE-SPOT tickets are REQUIRED to check-in in PeduliLindungi in Taman Bhagawan.

      12. Attendees are REQUIRED to follow Health Protocols that apply in all JOYLAND areas. Masks are REQUIRED to be used in the JOYLAND area.

      13. Before entering the JOYLAND area, attendees are REQUIRED to undergo body temperature checks and to have at least 2 (two) vaccination certificates.

      14. Tickets are valid according to the dates stated on the ticket. Dates for tickets purchased cannot be exchanged to a different date.


      1. All attendees are REQUIRED to wear masks in the JOYLAND area.

      2. All attendees are REQUIRED to undergo body temperature checks before entering the JOYLAND area and have a body temperature below 37.3° C.

      3. Physical distancing is mandatory when possible.

      4. Sneezing and coughing etiquettes shall be applied.

      5. Avoid physical contact.

      6. Maintain hand hygiene by washing your hands using running water or hand sanitizer.

      7. It is recommended to bring necessary personal equipment and supplies such as water bottles, utensils, and others.

      8. All parties must comply with and implement the applicable health protocols in the JOYLAND area.

    By purchasing this ticket, I understand and agree to the terms and conditions set by the organizers.


    1. Kamu yang sudah membeli tiket akan mendapatkan e-voucher. Pastikan e-voucher mu dibawa pada saat penukaran. Tidak perlu di print, cukup menunjukkan e-voucher dalam bentuk digital. Wajib menunjukan KTP/ID Card saat masuk kedalam gate.

    2. Barcode akan di scan di pintu masuk oleh petugas. Lalu akan ditukarkan dengan wristband atau tiket yang berbentuk gelang

    3. Gelang tiket / wristband tersebut WAJIB dipakai langsung untuk memasuki area JOYLAND.

    4. Tiket yang sudah dibeli atau ditukar tidak dapat dikembalikan

    5. Tiket tidak bisa dipindah tangankan

    6. 1 (satu) tiket hanya berlaku untuk 1 (satu) orang dan 1 (satu) kali masuk per hari dan atau sesuai dengan kategori tiket tertulis

    7. Tidak bisa re-entry. 

    8. Untuk tiket kategori EARLY ENTRY, batas masuk pada pukul 15.00 WITA. Jika lewat dari jam tersebut, akan dikenakan biaya tambahan ( top up ticket ).

    9. Top up ticket bisa dilakukan di Ticket Box yang tersedia

    10. Untuk pembelian tiket ON THE SPOT, bisa dilakukan di Ticket Box yang sudah disediakan

    11. Penukar tiket ON THE SPOT, WAJIB Check-In PeduliLindungi di Taman Baghawan

    12. Penonton WAJIB mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan yang berlaku di seluruh area JOYLAND. WAJIB memakai masker selama berada di area JOYLAND.

    13. Sebelum memasuki area JOYLAND, penonton WAJIB cek suhu tubuh serta sudah memiliki sertifikat vaksin sebanyak minimal 2 (dua) sertifikat.

    14. Tiket berlaku sesuai dengan tanggal acara yang tertera pada tiket. Tanggal pada tiket yang sudah di beli TIDAK DAPAT DIRUBAH menjadi tanggal lain.



    1. Semua penonton WAJIB memakai masker selama berada di area JOYLAND

    2. Semua penonton WAJIB di cek suhu tubuh sebelum memasuki area JOYLAND dan memiliki suhu tubuh di bawah 37,3%.

    3. DIWAJIBKAN menjaga jarak

    4. Menerapkan etika bersin dan batuk 

    5. Menghindari kontak fisik

    6. Menjaga kebersihan tangan dengan mencuci tangan menggunakan air mengalir atau hand sanitizer

    7. Disarankan membawa peralatan dan perlengkapan pribadi yang diperlukan. Seperti botol minum, alat makan dan lainnya

    8. Semua pihak WAJIB mematuhi dan melaksanakan protokol kesehatan yang berlaku di area JOYLAND



    WHATSAPP : +62819 210 0893

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