Indonesian Blockchain Conference

Indonesian Blockchain Conference

Diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia
Diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia

Indonesian Blockchain Conference

Diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia
Diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia
  • Indonesia’s Premier Blockchain Event is officially hosted by the Indonesian Blockchain Association and all of its ecosystem members. Showcasing the blockchain and digital asset industry for local and international attendees. 

    Explore to many section:  

    1. Interactive Sessions

    Government sectors, Industry Players and Blockchain/Crypto Influencers, Leaders and Experts will be invited to provide insightful presentations on the latest advancement in the global blockchain technology industry. 

    2. Virtual Booth

    There will be a variety of services, products and interesting workshops for you to visit. You can also communicate directly with vendors and buy goods that are presented. 

    3. Speed Dating

    Connect with fellow entrepreneurs, corporate allies and community leaders strengthening the blockchain ecosystem. 


    Bring you inspiring and interactive sessions with several interesting themes: 

    1. Blockchain for Business 

    2. Blockchain and Digital Asset policies in Indonesia 

    3. Decentralized Finance

    4. Future of Digital Asset 

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    Terms and Conditions 

    1. 1 Ticket is for 1 person only. We will send you a ticket code to enter the event. Each code is unique.

    2. Tickets that have been purchased can’t be returned or refunded or resold or transferred in any way to others for any reason.

    3. You can access the event schedule here: and enter the event platform as you wish, running late on joining the sessions will be your responsibility.

    4. Streamed video quality is determined by your internet bandwidth.

    5. You are not allowed to download or duplicate the entire session of the event (except the ones that are provided to be downloaded). Copyright violation on the content of this event is regulated in related laws.

    6. Please do not use words that contain ethnicity, religion, race, inter-group relations and pornography on any event’s page.

    7. We have the right not to give permission to enter the event if the terms and conditions are not fulfilled.

    8. By purchasing the event tickets, you have agreed to data collection, storage, and utilization for this event purposes.


    Having trouble regarding ticket purchasing or event registration? Please contact us at: 

    Email: [email protected] 

    Whatsapp: +6282219033936 

    Telegram: @Anggrainidiah 

  • Regular Ticket
    Access to all speakers’ sessions and exhibitors anywhere and anytime. Meet with speakers, exhibitors and other attendees through Live Chat.

    Berakhir 2020-09-15 16:00:00



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