Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021

Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021

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Diselenggarakan oleh BISA

Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021

Diselenggarakan oleh BISA
Diselenggarakan oleh BISA
  • Greetings awesome people! We would like to introduce you to INDONESIA STARTUP & TOURISM INSIGHT 2021 (ISTI 2021).

    You might be wondering what is ISTI 2021? ISTI 2021 is an event that helps startups present their ideas in front of worldwide judges and investors, and also build connection. This event first started on 2015 and it has been a huge success up to 2020. So, this year, we are bringing back this event while adding something a little bit different from previous years, which is TOURISM!

    So, what’s so special about us? We help startups to grow by giving them an opportunity to pitch their startup in front of multiple venture capitalist, multi national companies, and investors. Additionally for the top 10 startups, there will  be 1 to 1 mentoring sessions, and also training sessions led by well-known industry leaders trough out the month of November! we also give them an opportunity to connect different companies and people around the globe. Our past participants even had an opportunity to work with famous companies such as Alibaba. 

    But wait, it is not only limited for startups! General audience who participate in this event will be given access to watch the whole event unfold, including a 1 week worth of Startup Summit where CEOs and industry professionals talks about how to keep your business running in this difficult time. Not only that, but you will also have a chance to meet new people, grow yours and their network.


    So, are you ready to join INDONESIA STARTUP & TOURISM INSIGHT 2021? Register yourself today!

    Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through:

    1. [email protected] (E-mail)
    2. Stephanus W +65 93554952 (WhatsApp)
    3. William CK +65 89083089 (WhatsApp)
    4. Jennifer A +62 82230063726 (WhatsApp)
  • General Admission (PUBLIC)

    Berakhir 2021-11-17 23:00:00



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