IFGF Conference is an opportunity for leaders from different backgrounds, such as full time ministers, professionals, business men/women, and future leaders to gain direct access to world class and renowned speakers.Our vision is to equip and empower leaders globally. This conference is held annually and formerly known as Terang Bagi Bangsa, Harvest Festival and since 1998 is renamed to IFGF Conference. For two days, we will learn, communicate, and equipped together as followers of Jesus to find, listen, and implement His calling - He must rule and be an example in our lives. Encountering the Lord, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and obedience to His Word are what transform our lives. Let's learn together through extraordinary speakers such as:
- Paul Jeyachandran - Director of IDMC Movement Australia
- Rev. Joseph Bonifacio - Director, Church Planting Foundation & Pastor, No Other Name Church
- Rev. Jimmy Oentoro - Founder of IFGF Global, Senior Pastor of IFGF Jakarta
- Rev. Sam Hartanto - President of IFGF Global, Senior Pastor of IFGF Bandung
- Rev. Daniel Hanafi - IFGF Global Mission Director, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of World Harvest USA
And many more inspiring speakers...
Mark your calendar,
Day and Date : Friday and Saturday, August 2nd-3rd, 2024
Place : IFGF Bandung, The House Convention Hall
Paskal Hyper Square, Blok J, Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.25 - 27,
Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Andir, Bandung, West Java – 40172.
Syarat & Ketentuan
1. The registered ticket cannot be returned, exchanged or rescheduled (onsite and online).
1. Tiket atau pendaftaran yang sudah didaftarkan tidak dapat dikembalikan dan tidak dapat ditukar (onsite dan online).
2. Registration will be closed on July 29th, 2024 at 23:59 Jakarta time or after quota is reached.
2. Pendaftaran tiket ditutup pada 29 Juli 2024 jam 23:59 WIB atau setelah kuota tiket habis.
3. Login information / barcode will be sent to registered email, latest by July 30th, 2024 Jakarta time.
3. Informasi login / barcode akan dikirimkan ke email yang terdaftar, selambatnya pada 30 Juli 2024 WIB.
4. Each participant will receive one login information/barcode based on the registered email. 1 email address can only be used for 1 participant. Please check that you have submitted a correct email address to ensure the follow-up email delivery.
4. Setiap peserta akan mendapatkan 1 (satu) buah login/barcode berdasarkan email yang didaftarkan. 1 alamat email hanya dapat digunakan untuk 1 peserta. Kesalahan dalam memasukkan alamat email akan berakibat info login gagal dikirimkan dan menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
5. Do not share any login information publicly or to others. Login information can only be accessed on one browser and one device at a time.
5. Jangan bagikan info login kepada orang lain. Info login hanya dapat dibuka di satu browser dan satu perangkat pada satu waktu. Jika info login sudah digunakan di satu perangkat, tidak akan dapat dibuka di perangkat lain.
6. Please access login prior to the start time. The participant is responsible for any delay in accessing the login. There will be no rebroadcast or refund from the organizer.
6. Akses login secara tepat waktu sesuai jadwal acara. Keterlambatan dalam mengakses akan menjadi tanggung jawab peserta. Tidak akan ada pengulangan dan/atau refund dari penyelenggara.
7. The video quality will vary depending on the participant’s internet speed.
7. Kualitas video dapat berbeda, tergantung kualitas jaringan internet peserta.
8. A live chat will be available during live streaming. Expletive use of words or abusive language is prohibited at all times. All participants must be treated with respect and consideration and abide by this code of conduct.
8. Layanan live chat dapat digunakan pada saat live streaming, harap tidak menggunakan kata-kata yang berbau SARA, politik atau pornografi.
9. Participants are prohibited to record and/or distribute the broadcasted video content.
9. Peserta dilarang mengunduh, merekam, dan/atau menyebarkan video atau konten yang disiarkan.
10. The registration to masterclass sessions will be on a first-come-first-served basis. If your chosen masterclass has reached its capacity, the organizer will automatically relocate your registration to another masterclass.
10. Pemilihan sesi masterclass dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kapasitas yang tersedia. Apabila kapasitas masterclass yang dipilih sudah penuh, maka pemilihan masterclass akan ditentukan oleh penyelenggara.
11. By purchasing and registering for this event, participants have agreed with the collection, storing, and usage of their registration information for event purposes.
11. Dengan membeli tiket dan mendaftar di acara ini, peserta telah menyetujui pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan penggunaan data peserta untuk keperluan acara.
12. The organizer has the right to refuse access for any participants who are not following these terms and condition.
12. Penyelenggara berhak menolak akses peserta yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan.
13. The organizer has the right to adjust, change, or modify the event and details without prior notice.
13. Penyelenggara berhak melakukan penyesuaian atau perubahan sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
14. The organizer may arrange for photographs and/or video footage to be taken at events and used for promotional purposes.This may include printed documents or media, editorial coverage, advertising press and use on the internet. Participants who do not wish for their image to be used in this manner must notify us prior to the event.
14. Penyelenggara dapat mengatur agar foto dan/atau cuplikan video diambil di acara dan digunakan untuk tujuan promosi, termasuk dokumen atau media cetak, liputan editorial, pers iklan, dan penggunaan di internet. Peserta yang tidak ingin gambarnya digunakan untuk keperluan tersebut harus memberitahu kami sebelum acara.
OnsiteTicket to join IFGF Conference 2024 ONSITE.
Berakhir 2024-07-29 00:00:00
OnlineTicket to join IFGF Conference 2024 ONLINE.Berakhir 2024-07-29 00:00:00
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