General Membership
  • Why you should join

    Are you interested in alternative dispute resolution but you don’t have any experience in it? Do you wish to explore what being part of an international organization in the field of ADR is like without having to spend a lot of money on courses and exams? Then you should join us as a General Member.

    At the BIAMC, we take the view that membership should be for everyone. It is for this reason that the BIAMC is the only international organisation related to ADR in the Asia-Pacific which offers general membership irrespective of background and industry of the member.

    General Membership will make it very easy for you to gain experience in and a better understanding of ADR even if your background is not law or dispute resolution. You have the unique opportunity to meet more experienced ADR professionals and executives from international companies to explore ADR further – an opportunity you only enjoy with the BIAMC!


    What you will get

    • Attend up to two lectures on alternative dispute resolution every year for free
    • Receive one free pass to the Jakarta Expert Summit in International Arbitration
    • Benefit from the Special Member Price to the Bali Arbitration Summit
    • Enjoy a reduced registration fee for selected BIAMC events and those of our partners
    • Pay a reduced registration fee for all BIAMC courses
    • Stay informed about latest trends in the alternative dispute resolution industry through the BIAMC’s newsletters and updates
    • Engage with like-minded professionals from Indonesia, South East Asia and generally around the world


    How it works

    General Membership is open to anyone with an interest in alternative dispute resolution from the age of 18.


    Annual fee: USD 98

  • General Membership: USD 98
    BIAMC General Membership is renewable yearly.

    Berakhir 2020-03-27 17:00:00



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