Diselenggarakan oleh EXPOSURE YOGYAKARTA
Diselenggarakan oleh EXPOSURE YOGYAKARTA


Diselenggarakan oleh EXPOSURE YOGYAKARTA
Diselenggarakan oleh EXPOSURE YOGYAKARTA
  • EXPOSURE is the first thematic curated market & entertainment in Yogyakarta organized by students of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Economics and Business. This year, EXPOSURE is held online as we bring the novelty of experiencing EXPOSURE. This year, we zestfully invite you to experience healing with relish by carrying the theme "MERAKI: Art for Healing".


      Our very first online experience that brings together art & music right to your screen! MERAKI: THE CONCERT features Vira Talisa, Rafi Sudirman, and Elephant Kind.
      A sharing session that allows you to dig deeper within yourself and explore the topic of Making Art as a Process to Heal, featuring Ian Hugen and Rara Sekar who will bring you comfort while providing you with ideas you'll never find anywhere else.
    3. MÓDA-MODE
      EXPOSURE believes that fashion and creative expression should not be limited to certain body type or gender, thus we present an all-inclusive exploration of fashion and styling ideas featuring fashion influencers through Móda-Mode. You can virtually explore a realm of fashion and gain styling tips from real-life fashionistas!
      The O.G. event of EXPOSURE, brought online! Our love affair with local brands have come a long way since we first started EXPOSURE — and no amount of pandemic is going to stop us from giving you the best picks of locally-made goods. Come explore the creative nooks and niches, all from the comfort of your own home!

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    1. Anda dapat menonton live streaming dengan cara menekan tombol “Watch Here” pada e-voucher pada waktu tayang (21-23 Mei 2020, 16.00-19.30).
      You can watch live streaming by pressing "Watch Here" on your e-voucher at streaming time (21-23 May 2020, 16.00-19.30).
    2. Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk men-download dan menduplikasi seluruh isi konten dalam layanan streaming ini. Pelanggaran hak cipta dari konten yang dipasang diatur dalam undang-undang terkait.
      You are not allowed to download and duplicate the entire content of this streaming. Copyright violation on this content is regulated in related laws.
    3. Kualitas video streaming ditentukan dari bandwidth internet Anda.
      Streaming video quality is determined by your internet bandwidth.
    4. Apabila Anda membutuhkan informasi mengenai tiket dan acara, silakan hubungi kontak EXPOSURE di WhatsApp: 0812-1033-340 atau LINE: @656mrjff
      Should you need more information regarding tickets and events, please contact EXPOSURE on WhatsApp: 0812-1033-340 or LINE: @656mrjff
    Get access and reminders for all online events of EXPOSURE 2021

    Berakhir 2021-05-23 19:00:00



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