Creating A Happy & Productive Work Environment

Creating A Happy & Productive Work Environment

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Creating A Happy & Productive Work Environment

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Diselenggarakan oleh Dcolearning
  • (This Webinar is Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)


    Hi Professionals,


    Working environment greatly affects the productivity and the quality of employee performance. The better the environment, the more comfortable and productive employees will work. Furthermore, employees are able to unleash their best potential not only for the sake of salary, but also for the long term progress of the company/organization.


    It takes direct contributions from each member of the company/organization in order to create a work environment as stated above. Has your company created a Happy & Productive Work Environment? And how do we do that?


    Let’s discuss it with Bapak Shofi Yullah, CH., CHt. on Thursday, June 17th at 10am - 11.30am with the theme Creating A Happy & Productive Work Environment.


    Don’t miss every FREE AccoLive Webinars that will be held not only interactive through Zoom but also LIVE via Youtube Channel.


    Follow our social media on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube to get regular notifications of our programs update.


    See you!

  • AccoLive Webinar

    Berakhir 2021-06-16 17:00:00



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