Bali International Tourism Congress 2019 (Student Access)

Bali International Tourism Congress 2019 (Student Access)

Diselenggarakan oleh STP Nusa Dua Bali

Bali International Tourism Congress 2019 (Student Access)

Diselenggarakan oleh STP Nusa Dua Bali

    In conjunction to International Academy for the Study of Tourism Bali – Biennal Conference, Bali Tourism Institute (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali) is proudly to host a prestigious international event namely BALI INTERNATIONAL TOURISM CONGRESS (BITC) 2019 that will be held in Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia on 6th - 7th  of May, 2019 which fully supported by the International Academy for the Study of Tourism.

    The congress will address the most important issues in developing and managing destinations around the world. It will have a strong focus on the development and preservation of local tangible and intangible cultures, natural resources and environment.

    On Monday, 6th of May 2019, a range of presentations and panels will take place that will focus on

    • Global Tourism: Trends and Prospects
    • Sustainable Tourism Growth and Environment
    •  Culture and Authenticity
    • Strategic Planning
    •  Management Marketing for Tourism

    On Tuesday, 7th of May 2019, the congress will include two international workshops, namely :

    1.  Industrial Innovations Workshop
    2.  Academic Journal Publication Workshop

    The Industry Innovations Workshop will focus on Markets and Customer developments; Marketing, Sales, Distribution, Social Media and Digital Marketing: Explore challenges in Marketing, Sales, Distribution, Social Media and Digital Marketing, OTA, distribution, reviews; Human Resource and Talent management for Tourism and Hospitality Placements, Standards and Requirements, Gender issues and Employees of the future.

    The Academic Journal Publication Workshop will be led by senior Editors in Chief of the top tourism and hospitality journals. Editors will be able to discuss, guide, examine prospective publications and assist participants to get their papers to be accepted.

    Leading scholars from around the world will join BITC to contribute as invited speakers and moderators on destination development and management.

    Enliven this important event, Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya M.Sc, Minister of Tourism of Republic of Indonesia is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at the closing ceremony.

    Looking forward to have your active participation on this event in upcoming May 2019.

    Welcome to Wonderful Indonesia.


    Syarat & Ketentuan

    • Your e-Voucher(s) are sold by the Organizing Committee of BITC 2019 directly to the participant through Any e-Voucher purchased by businesses or traders are in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale and may be invalid.

      Tiket Anda dijual secara langsung dari panitia penyelenggara BITC 2019 ke konsumen secara langsung melalui Tiket apapun  yang dibeli oleh pebisnis atau pedagang yang melanggar peraturan ini akan dibatalkan.

    • Tickets that have been purchased is non-refundable.

      E-Voucher yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan dan diuangkan kembali.

    • To gain admission to the venue, participant must show e-Voucher together with ID/ Passport upon registration at the premise.
      Untuk memasuki area kongres, setiap peserta diharuskan menunjukan e-Voucher beserta KTP/ Paspor pada saat pendaftaran di lokasi.
    • Registration is open at Widyatula Ballroom, Bali Tourism Institute (STP Nusa Dua Bali) start on May 5, 2019 / 09:00-17:00 local time.

      Pendaftaran dibuka di Ballroom Widyatula, STP Nusa Dua Bali (Bali Tourism Institute) mulai tanggal 5 Mei 2019/ 09:00 - 17:00 waktu setempat.

    • Your e-Voucher will be exchanged with a special ID and congress kit E-Voucher anda akan ditukar/ diganti dengan badge khusus dan congress kit
    • For the benefit of all, delegates are obligated to wear their special ID during the program. It is prohibited to give your badge to the non-registered delegates.

      Untuk kepentingan bersama, setiap peserta WAJIB mengenakan badgenya selama program. Dilarang memberikan badge anda kepada orang lain yang tidak terdaftar.

    • Replacement of badges due to lost or damage is not our responsibility, you may not entering the meeting room. BITC organizer has the right to regulate these matters including providing penalty or fines against misuse of the special ID used by other persons or  those who donot abide by the terms and conditions.
    • Penggantian badge karena hilang atau rusak bukan tanggung jawab kami, peserta tidak boleh memasuki ruangan. Panitia BITC berhak untuk mengatur hal-hal ini termasuk memberikan hukuman atau denda terhadap penyalahgunaan badge yang digunakan oleh orang lain atau bagi mereka yang tidak menaati peraturan atau ketentuan yang ditetapkan pihak penyelenggara.
    • The holder of this e-Voucher grants its organizers and sponsors the right to use, in perpetuity, all or any part of the recording of any video or still  footage made of the holder’s appearance on any channel or magazine for broadcast in any and all media globally and for advertising, publicity and promotions relating here to without any further approval of yours.
      Pemegang tiket ini memberikan hak kepada  penyelenggara dan para sponsor melakukan rekaman video baik sebagian atau semua,  untuk kebutuhan penampilan saluran TV atau majalah untuk disiarkan di media apapun di seluruh dunia, untuk iklan, publisitas dan promosi yang berkaitan dengan konser tanpa persetujuan lebih lanjut dari Anda.
    • The Organizer/ Sponsors/ Guest Speakers/ Content Management Team are not responsible for, including but not  limited any injury or damage that may occur during or at the event. Panitia Penyelenggara/ Sponsors/ Nara Sumber/ tim Content Management tidak  bertanggung jawab untuk, termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada cedera atau kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi kepada peserta selama atau di dalam kegiatan ini.
  • May 7, 2019 - International Publication Workshop
    Valid for INDONESIAN STUDENTS - Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB & Certificate - Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    6-7 May, Congress+Innovations/Publication Workshop
    Valid for INDONESIAN STUDENT - Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB per day & Certificate-Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    May 7, 2019 - Industry Innovations Workshop
    Valid for INDONESIAN STUDENTS - Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB & Certificate - Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    May 6, 2019 - International Seminar
    Valid for INDONESIAN STUDENTS - Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB & Certificate - Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    6-7 May, Congress+Innovations/Publication Workshop
    Valid for FACULTY MEMBER - Breda University Netherlands Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB per day & Certificate-Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    May 6, 2019 - International Seminar
    Valid for FACULTY MEMBER - Breda University Netherlands Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB & Certificate - Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



    May 6, 2019 - International Seminar
    Valid for STUDENT - Breda University Netherlands Incl. 1x Lunch, 2x CB & Certificate - Valid for 1 (one) person, non-refundable

    Berakhir 2019-04-30 00:00:00



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