5 Common Mistakes of OKR (Objective Key Results)

5 Common Mistakes of OKR (Objective Key Results)

Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy

5 Common Mistakes of OKR (Objective Key Results)

Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
Diselenggarakan oleh Ekipa Agile Consultancy
  • Abstract:
    Ever changing business dynamics force companies to be more agile. Now we see more organizations adopt OKR as adaptive goal management. We also see some of common mistake of OKR implementation. This talk is gonna address the common mistakes and share the improvement steps.


    Doni Priliandi - CEO / Founder Happy5
    Doni Priliandi has been building Happy5 for 8 years, where he started to focus on OKR and Agile Performance Management in 2019. Happy5 helps modern organizations to be more agile like BCA, BRI, Tiket, JD ID and 20 others.


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    Free Webinar Session by Agile Circles Indonesia and Powered by Ekipa Indonesia | Open for public

    Berakhir 2021-06-30 19:00:00



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